Altitude Pole

Altitude Aerials

Our sister brand

Aerial Hoop

If soaring through the air is your idea of a thrilling workout, then let us introduce you to Altitude Aerials, our sister brand with a passion for all things aerial!

Altitude Aerials takes fitness to fantastic heights with a smorgasbord of aerial arts classes. Whether you're captivated by the elegance of aerial silks, the strength and control of aerial hoop, or the peaceful balance of aerial yoga, Altitude Aerials has got you covered.

Our classes cater to a variety of skill levels, from curious beginners to seasoned aerialists, providing an encouraging environment to explore, learn and grow. Come, join the Altitude Aerials community and experience fitness like never before - defying gravity, strengthening your core, and awakening a whole new level of confidence.

Studios in Christchurch and Napier!

Aerial silks