Altitude Pole

Careers at Altitude Pole

Share your passion for pole dancing

Pole Dancer, Pole Dancing Pose, Floorwork / Basework

Welcome to our Careers hub

... where the sky isn't just the limit – it's the starting point! We're more than a pole studio, we're a community, and we're always on the lookout for passionate people ready to contribute to our vibrant culture.

This page will list all of the career opportunities at Altitude!

Currently hiring in South Auckland and Palmerston North! Check out the roles below.

Sorry, we're not actively hiring right now

We're thrilled you're interested in joining our team but we currently don't have any active studio management roles open at this moment.

We are, however, always on the lookout for those who are keen to become instructors. Head over to our instructor's page and register your interest!