Altitude Pole

My Journey - Noelle

1 minutes
29 September 2018

This blog was written by one of our members, Noelle, about her journey with pole...

When I first started at Altitude in January 2017, I was having panic attacks before every class. I didn’t know anyone, I didn’t have a dance background and I had no idea what I was doing. I always needed to remind myself over and over why I wanted to go. The Altitude family has been very welcoming and I have a new love for pole dancing. I still get tummy flips before going to a class every now and again, but I know that I’m going to be alright – more than alright actually, the moment I walk into the studio.

Altitude and pole has been a massive part of my life since then and has helped me cope with my depression and anxiety disorder. I’ve been on and off anti-depressants and unhealthy methods of coping over the past couple of years. I really wanted to, and tried to stop but I always fell back to being dependent on them when things were really bad. Ever since I started at Altitude, the progress I’m making – in just a few months, towards helping this mental illness, has never been better. It’s actually blowing my mind, and that goes for my pole progress too. I’m confident to say that I don’t need those pills and unhealthy coping mechanisms anymore.

Altitude has given me goals to work on that makes me want to live for another day so I can achieve these goals. It sounds so dramatic, I know. It is such a good feeling to want to be alive and to be actually doing something that makes me happy; even if I’m having such a poopy day, having something to look forward to makes it easier to get through the day. There is no pressure in trying to impress anyone or trying to prove yourself to anyone.

And the best thing is that I can enjoy the ‘progressing’ and the ‘achieving’ with people who are so supporting and share the same passion and I love the fact that we all celebrate the gains, no matter how big or small it is.

I never thought that I’d still be here today. I am so glad that I am. I am mentally, emotionally and physically stronger. I started taking care of myself and learned to listen to my body. I am surrounded by supportive, positive and encouraging people which is SUPER healthy.

  • #altitudejourneys

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